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He Paid a
Orig Key: F | New Key:

Title: He Paid a Debt

Subtitle: Key F

C                                       F
He paid a debt he did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay
         C                       G
I needed someone to wash my sins away.
          C                              F
And now I sing a brand new song, amazing grace all day long,
             C                  G             C
Christ Jesus paid a dept,  that I could never pay.
C                                         F
He paid a debt at Calvary, He cleansed my soul and set me free.
              C                      G
I'm glad that Jesus did all my sins erase
          C                              F
I now can sing a brand new song, amazing grace all day long,
             C                  G             C
Christ Jesus paid a dept,  that I could never pay.
C                                             F
One day He's coming back for me, to live with Him eternally
              C                G
I'm glad that Jesus did all my sins erase.
              C                              F
I, them, will sing a brand new song, amazing grace all day long,
             C                  G       C
Christ Jesus paid a dept,  that I could never pay.

Key: F